Jul 5, 2010

The Annual Fourth of July Party

This year we held our 11th 4th of July Open House Party. It had to be the best conditions weatherwise, a nice crowd of people, and a lot of drinking. This year I was able to walk around and mingle, swim, hang out with friends, and have my esp work for a change. The biggest reason was that I have two new knees.

The food was unbelievable that arrived. Yes, we can still feed an army battalion today and probably the rest of the week. For me this year, I had a great time. Being hostess I can drink and not worry about driving. I started out with "surfer on acid" and then proceeded to skittle shots that Diane brought over ending with Tequila Rose shots/or chugs depending on who I was with at the time. However, I knew before I went to bed at 2am that I would have a hangover because I already had a splitting headache. By 4am I'm taking Tylenol. By 11am I am awake with no headache but can't walk straight so I take more Tylenol and go back to bed till 4:30pm when I can walk straight.

Everyone was saying they were glad I was having such a good time because they were too. My best friends also drank along with me and at one point when Linda and I went down to watch the fireworks, I fell, no I didn't hurt myself, and she fell next tome and we sat there and giggled through the whole show and didn't see a thing.

Debbie and John stayed the latest as we sat and talked on the deck till about 1:30am. She gave me my first foot massage and complained about my soft feet. But overall it was a great day. Sorry if you didn't make it.

Jun 12, 2010


I wonder how many changes we have to deal with in a lifetime. Changes like moving to a different house, changes like people leaving our lives, or changes like being able to walk again.

I personally have gone through a lot of changes in the last 6 months. I had Double Knee Replacement and can walk again and learning to live each day to the fullest. I had a physical therapist that I adored and when I had to leave I was depressed. I had one child who did not want to go back to the university and ended up becoming secluded and out of reach while living in the next room. I had a husband that didn't understand how to handle the change in me after my surgery and still expected me to be able to do the everyday things two weeks later. I had friends leave my life and new friends come into my life. Interests have changed too.

Changes in other parts of my life haven't been as drastic but have been predictable based on the environment. The change of governor of NJ put into office a man who is against public school s and public teachers, especially the NJEA. The community changed and voted down the budget which caused the township committee to slash even more money. Changes will continue to occur in the near future as the school district comes up with $1.5 million in cuts, meaning staff and programs. The current Superintendent is leaving, not that he was that great anyway, but there has been and will be no leadership in the district.

Changes.........I wonder how many I've had just in the last 6 months.

Mar 28, 2010


As you can see I haven't been posting anything in quite awhile. In January 2010 I went for a double knee replacement which required a stay at a rehabilitation center and physicaly therapy for another 10 weeks. I am currently in my 10th week from surgery and will begin working part time after Easter break. At the same time I am hoping to be able to sit long enough to do my crafts.